Pricing and discounts

Everything you need to know about our prices

Drive GO Sharing your way

Only pay when you use our service  

With GO Sharing you only pay for the time you rent an e-moped. You can use GO Sharing starting from € 0.23 per minute, without registration and other hidden costs.    
Lower your deductible
You can choose to pay off your deductible to the vehicle of € 500 per ride. You do this in the app and it only costs € 0.05 on top of the original price per minute.
Extended reservation
You always have 15 free minutes to get to your vehicle. Need longer? No problem, you can extend the reservation in the app. This costs €1,- per 10 additional minutes.
Park the e-moped
Do you want to keep the e-moped reserved or are you temporarily parking outside of the service area? That is possible, this costs only €0.15 per minute
Pay per minute
Get on for €0,29 per minute. Without registration costs and pay only for the time you have used a GO Sharing e-moped
Choose your discount package
When you know in advance that you will be driving long distances, you can purchase a discount package. Drive up to 20% cheaper on our e-mopeds
Ride for business
There are various options for business trips. Our B2B team is happy to help you with a custom-made solution.

Pay per minute

Get on for € 0.29 per minute without registration costs and pay for your ride afterwards. Currently we only accept Credit Card & PayPal payments for this option. With iDEAL you can purchase a discount package.  

Discount packages

When purchasing a benefit package, you will receive credit on your account. The credit can be used for both our e-bikes and e-scooters. Please note that the minute prices differ per vehicle.

GO Basic

€0.27 per minute

Package price €19.95 instead of €21.75
Get 75 driving minutes
You save €1.80 compared to the single minute price
Driving minutes are always valid
Credit Card & Bancontact
No registation costs

GO Crazy

€0.23 per minute

Package price €99.95 instead of €123.25
Get 425 driving minutes
You save €23.30 compared to the single minute price
Driving minutes are always valid
Credit Card & Bancontact
No registation costs

GO Business        

GO Sharing provides you and your employees with green business trips. Give your employees more freedom and flexibility with GO Business. Our B2B team would like to get in touch with you to put together a custom-made solution.

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Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know

All e-mopeds are covered by third party liability, with a deductible of € 500. Our monthly business packages are completely free of deductible.
No, there is not. You can drive as long as you want, because you are paying per minute.  Of course, pay attention to the battery percentage. Make sure you do not drive up to a 0% battery, but pick up another moped nearby on which you can continue your journey. GO Sharing takes care of charging the batteries in the service area.  
Yes, all payment options maintain possible. However, the payment methods are linked to different usage of driving minutes.
Prices start at €0.23 per minute and at GO Sharing you’ll only pay while using the e-moped. Our prices include maintenance, insurance and the battery. You pay for your ride, we do the rest!
Nothing! Because at GO Sharing we don’t have any registration costs.
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